Selling Direct to the Consumer
Websites, Pop-ups, and Live streaming, we take products straight to the customer. We have designed and sold over $25 million in accessories and apparel.
We’re excited to share Jatango. Livestreaming like you never seen before!
Go live on any platform
Live links let you go live anywhere you can pin a link or even on multiple platforms at the same time.
Manage your online business
Our tools allow you to easily manage your inventory, product listings, and orders.
Market with social media
Quickly share previous shows so your followers can buy products even if they missed your stream.

Innovative Features
• Easy product upload on all devices
• Built-in product and inventory management
• Scan barcodes. right on your phone
• Real-time product list
• Single click "Buy Now" button
• Sell products on pre-recorded & archived videos
• Works on all social media platforms
• Customers can purchase without interrupting the live stream
• Broadcast from your laptop, phone, or tablet
• 8% on all purchases (includes bank & credit card fees)